If we're going statistically, we have published 18 fiction pieces, 5 nonfiction and 10 poetry so it looks like fiction has a better shot, but the truth is that we'd like to be publishing an equal amount of all three so really we would love to have tonnes of nonfiction and poetry to publish. Send it to us! But we would hate to discourage fiction, and it does actually look like we're actually more of a fiction publication and your chances are higher with that. So... why not just send us everything that you have and we'll have to somehow come to some sort of balance on whether we could publish a sort of shitty nonfiction piece just because we are desperate to publish a nonfiction piece Vs should we accept this Cormac McCarthy standard of fiction? It's tricky. Is the universe trying to tell us we are a fiction publication or do we break the mold and be a shitty nonfiction one instead? It's more likely that both fiction and nonfiction and poetry just continue to fluctuate in their respective representation in our publication: there will be a day when nonfiction takes the lead. Seems unlikely at the moment but if the publication were to continue indefinitely, it would of course one day statistically have to happen. There's basically no way to know if what you submit will be liked and discussed a little bit but eventually declined or if we read 2 lines of it and puke or if we want to publish it so urgently that we fumble and break a mug.
Multiple submissions: obviously allowed.
Simultaneous: don't care. Don't even notify us.
Don't do a squiggly font.
Double space all submissions. If you don't we might call the police.
Flash: up to 1000 words.
Short Stories: 1000-4000 words.
Nonfiction: 500-5000 words.
Poetry: 5 poems.
General Submission Guidelines
Multiple submissions: obviously allowed.
Simultaneous: don't care. Don't even notify us.
Don't do a squiggly font.
Double space all submissions. If you don't we might call the police.
Flash: up to 1000 words.
Short Stories: 1000-4000 words.
General Submission Guidelines
Multiple submissions: obviously allowed.
Simultaneous: don't care. Don't even notify us.
Don't do a squiggly font.
Double space all submissions. If you don't we might call the police.
500-5000 words.
General Submission Guidelines
You're a poet. You can do what you want. We reserve the right to laugh at you though so make sure you know what you're doing.
General Submission Guidelines
Multiple submissions: obviously allowed.
Simultaneous: don't care. Don't even notify us.
Don't do a squiggly font.
Double space all submissions. If you're a poet, you can do what you want. We reserve the right to laugh at you though so make sure you know what you're doing.
Novels, Novellas, Short Story collections, Poetry collections, Memoirs, Non-fiction, Graphic Novels can all be submitted here.
General Guidelines
Multiple submission, obviously allowed.
Simultaneous: don't care. Don't even notify us.
Don't do a squiggly font.
Double space all submissions. If you're a poet, you can do what you want. We reserve the right to laugh at you though so make sure you know what you're doing.
Big Whoopie Deal is awarding $500 and online publication for the best in 100 words.
You can submit multiple pieces but please submit separately to account for the reading fee.
Simultaneous is also allowed but please notify us if your work is picked up elsewhere.